Create exceptional patient journeys with hyper-personalisation

Post by
David Nelkin
July 22, 2024

Hyper-personalisation is more than just a buzzword; it's about creating an incredible, tailor-made dental experience for each patient. It’s something people are becoming more accustomed to and is the way to stand out in a crowded market.

What exactly is hyper-personalisation?

Think of hyper-personalisation like a custom-tailored suit. When you buy a suit off the rack, it might fit okay, but it’s not made just for you. A tailor-made suit, on the other hand, is crafted to fit your exact measurements, preferences, and style. Hyper-personalisation in dentistry is similar. It’s about crafting each patient’s experience to fit them perfectly, considering their unique needs, preferences, and circumstances; from dental marketing through to the in-practice and post-care services you offer.

Why should you care?

  1. Loyalty is key: the lifetime value of your patients should be a key measure of your success. A loyal patient will return regularly for check-ups, buy into other services, and recommend family and friends. Hyper-personalisation is a trigger for patient loyalty.
  2. Make patients feel special: When patients feel seen and valued, they’re more likely to trust and stay loyal to your dental practice. The only real way to stand out from your competitors is through exceptional customer service, and this takes it to a new level.
  3. Save time and enhance experience: Personalised information cuts through the noise and gets straight to what’s relevant, saving everyone time. This also means people are more likely to take note of communications you send to them.
  4. Discover new opportunities: Tailored recommendations can introduce patients to services they didn’t even know they needed or were an option. More importantly, it recommends these to them at a time relevant to their circumstances.
  5. Boost reviews and referrals: Happy patients are vocal patients. Personalised experiences lead to rave reviews and word-of-mouth referrals - by far the best source of new patients.
  6. Stand out in a crowded market: Hyper-personalisation helps your practice differentiate itself in a highly competitive market.
  7. Build Trust: Consistently personalised interactions build deeper trust between you and your patients.

Hyper-personalisation: A growing trend

Hyper-personalisation isn't just a passing fad; it's a significant trend that's here to stay. I was recently at a big tech conference in Amsterdam focussed on the future of tech in all industries - notably small business and healthcare - and the overarching takeaway was the importance of hyper-personalisation.

As technology advances, consumers are becoming accustomed to personalised experiences in various aspects of their lives. You go on to Netflix and you get  tailored recommendations, and when you are shopping on Amazon, what you see is a customised shopping experience personalised to you. People are starting to expect the same level of personalisation in all their interactions – including healthcare.

Patients today are more informed and have higher expectations than ever before. They want to feel like they matter, and that their unique needs and preferences are being considered. This shift in expectations means that dental practices must adapt to meet these demands or risk falling behind. By embracing hyper-personalisation, you’re not just keeping up with the trend – you’re getting ahead of the curve.

How do you do it?

Let’s look at a patient journey and some practical ways to bring hyper-personalisation into your practice.

Get personal with video content

Video is a powerful tool. Use AI to create personalised videos for your patients – whether it’s explaining a treatment plan, detailing payment options, or even a friendly follow-up after a visit. It’s engaging, informative, and shows you care enough to make the effort. The video content should still come from you personally, and not an AI avatar, but you can use technology to change, say, the person’s name and treatment details.

Pre and post-sales care

Don’t stop at the treatment. Hyper-personalise the entire journey, from the first contact to long after the appointment. This means personalised follow-ups, check-ins, and updates. Think about sending a video message after a procedure, explaining the next steps or offering a bit of encouragement. What about a video showing directions from the patient’s house to your practice?

Data is your best friend

Collecting and analysing patient data is crucial. Your marketing agency can help implement some of the methods I’m talking about here, but not without data. This doesn’t mean being intrusive, but rather gathering insights that can help you tailor your services better. Use this data to predict what your patients might need next and offer it proactively.

Customised offers and timing

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all promotions. Know when your patients are most likely to need specific services and offer them at the right time. For example, if you know a patient has a big event coming up, tailor your communications to this. And how about predictive sending - your dental CRM may be able to send communications to your patients based on the team they, as an individual, are most likely to open them. There used to be a lot of talk about the best day of the week and time of day to send emails - but how about basing this on each person’s personal behaviour.

Multi-channel engagement

Engage with your patients across various platforms – Whatsapp, SMS, emails, Ensure that wherever they turn, they get a seamless and personalised experience, and more importantly, on the channels they want to chat to you on. It’s key that your CRM can communicate with patients on these key channels

Addressing privacy concerns

Be transparent about how you use patient data. Patients need to trust that their information is secure and used solely for enhancing their experience.

Bringing it to life: A journey through hyper-personalisation

First impressions matter

From the moment a patient first contacts your practice, make it personal. Use their name, understand their concerns, and offer a quick, personalised response. How about sending a personalised video via WhatsApp? It’s quick, easy, and shows you’re tech-savvy.

Nurture your relationships

Once you’ve made contact, keep nurturing the relationship. Send personalised videos explaining financial options or targeted offers based on their individual needs. If a patient mentions they have an upcoming wedding, tailor your communications to highlight treatments that would help them look their best.

The in-practice experience

When patients walk through your door, ensure their experience is just as personalised. Know their preferences – whether it’s the type of coffee they like, the music they prefer, or even their anxiety triggers. Small touches like these can significantly reduce patient anxiety and make their visit more pleasant. I recently took my 7 year old daughter to an amazing specialist orthodontist for some fairly extreme treatment - they got to know her before she came in via a questionnaire, and when she arrived they had stickers of unicorns and fairies waiting for her (her favourites!) and spoke to her about all the things they knew in advance - this cemented our decision to go with them for her treatment.

Follow-up care

Post-appointment, keep the communication flowing. Personalised follow-ups discussing their treatment progress, upcoming appointments, or even a simple check-in can go a long way. It shows you care about their well-being beyond just their time in the chair. You want to make sure you are treating patients as people, and that they feel cared for, not like you’re just turning chairs.

Ongoing engagement

Keep the engagement personalised and ongoing. Send offers, reminders, and updates that are relevant to them. For instance, a birthday message with a special offer can make a patient’s day and strengthen their connection to your practice.

Real-world examples

Let’s look at how some big names are doing it right. Take Uber, for instance. They let users personalise their ride experience by asking riders to choose their preferences for temperature, conversation level, and music in advance. Spotify nails it with personalised playlists and concert recommendations based on listening habits. These examples show the power of knowing and catering to individual preferences and also the reason people are becoming accustomed to this.

Getting ahead of the curve

By integrating hyper-personalisation into your patient experience, you’re positioning your dental practice ahead of the curve. While others may still be figuring out how to implement these strategies, you'll already be reaping the benefits. Patients will notice and appreciate the effort you put into making their experience unique and tailored to them. This not only enhances patient satisfaction but also boosts your practice’s reputation, making you a leader in the field.

Don’t fall behind

Hyper-personalisation is key to creating an amazing patient experience that not only meets but exceeds expectations. By treating each patient as a unique individual and tailoring every interaction, you’ll build trust, loyalty, and a standout reputation in the dental market. Embrace hyper-personalisation, and you’ll not only stand out from the crowd but also create an amazing patient journey that sets your practice apart.

At Xcelerator Dental we work with our clients on initiatives such as this as part of our model of growing dental practices through digital marketing, with a focus on the whole patient journey and the conversion of the leads we help them generate.

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